Padparadscha sapphire is one of the rarest gemstones in the world and is unmatched by any other gemstones for its beauty, rarity and luxury.
Lotus flowers, sunsets, and tropical fruits - the color spectrum of a Padparadscha falls into a mixture of 2 colors: pink and orange. Padparadscha sapphires may be little known to the general public, but they have been highly prized by gem connoisseurs, experts, and collectors for many generations.
Have you ever seen a real Padparadscha sapphire live? Learn more about Padparadscha sapphires here, exciting background information, first-hand expert knowledge, and all the important facts about the rarest sapphire, also called the "King of Sapphires".
Traditional lotus blossom
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The name "Padparadscha" (pronunciation "pad-per-add-sha" or "pad-pah-raj-ah") has its origin in the Sinhalese language of Sri Lanka "padma raga" and means "lotus flower", which is the national flower of Sri Lanka. Like the flower from which its name comes, the Padparadscha sapphire enchants its viewers with a unique play of colors closely associated with the island of Sri Lanka and the culture of its inhabitants. Its color, however, is more of a link between the color of the lotus blossom and the sunset, with a vivid spectrum between pink and orange.
The lotus blossom is also said to bring longevity, health, honor, and good fortune. The meaning of the stone is thus linked to its namesake, and the Padaparajah Sapphire possesses all of these excellent qualities.
Prized since time immemorial, Padparadscha sapphires are as beautiful and exotic as their name. Overall, Padparadscha sapphires have a pink-orange color combination or also called "salmon" ("salamon"), but it can vary in hue and color. There is not this one well-defined padparadscha hue. Some padparadscha sapphires are not uniformly salmon but have color zones of pink and yellow. Whether you prefer a more pink or orange hue, it is one of the rarest and most valuable gemstones in the world as a special set of nature.
Like the "Blue Sapphire", the Padparadscha Sapphire is an aluminum oxide called corundum. It owes its unique orange and pink coloration to traces of iron and chromium in the mineral, which makes this gemstone extremely rare. For this reason, Padparadscha sapphires regularly fetch sale prices far beyond the price range of "normal" colored sapphires.
For many years, Sri Lanka was considered the only true country of origin for Padparadscha sapphires. In recent years, however, stones have been found in Madagascar, Vietnam, and Tanzania whose saturation and color have been deemed worthy of the name Padparadscha sapphire. Nevertheless, Sri Lanka remains the country of origin of the finest Padparadscha sapphires.
The difference between a Padparadscha sapphire and its more commonly known blue variety is, of course, the color difference. This is because the salmon-colored padparadscha sapphire has a strikingly different hue. But it is the chemical composition of these gemstones that changes their coloring and makes them visually different.
Typical blue sapphires get their color from the addition of titanium and iron to the mineral corundum, while padparadscha sapphires have the trace elements of chromium and iron. Chromium is also the element that gives rubies their red hue.
Another difference between padparadscha sapphires and blue sapphires is their rarity. While both gemstones are precious, padparadscha sapphires are still much rarer than blue sapphires or any other sapphire color, which also affects their price per carat.
There are several quality factors that determine the quality of the Padparadscha sapphire, including color, clarity, shape & cut, and hardness.
The hue of Padparadscha sapphires varies from pink with orange tones ("orangy-pink") to orange with a hint of pink ("pinkish-orange"). It ranges from light to medium pinkish-orange to orange-pink or salmon-colored stones. Each piece is unique and distinguished by its distinctive and unrepeatable color.
The most important factor in judging the color of this gemstone is its intensity. A more intense hue, however, also means that it is even more valuable and rare. In addition to the color and saturation requirements, a padparadscha sapphire must have an even color distribution, and must not have been treated in any way beyond conventional heating.
The GemResearch Swisslab has coined the following figurative illustrations on the market in recent years: "GRS Type Sunrise Padparadscha sapphire" and also "GRS Type Sunset Padparadscha sapphire". According to GRS: "Sunrise" or "Sunrise" describes "Padarajas with medium to strong saturation of predominantly pink with orange color ("Orangy-Pink"). Sunset or "Sunset" describes padarajas with medium to strong saturation of predominantly orange with pink color "Pinkish-Orange".
Sunrise Padparadschas Sapphires
Sunset Padparadschas Sapphires
In 2007, the Laboratory Manual Harmonization Committee (LMHC), standardized the nomenclature used to describe Padparadscha sapphires. This was later updated in 2011 as follows: "Padparadscha sapphire is a corundum variety of any geographic origin whose color in normal daylight is a subtle mixture of pink-orange to orange-pink with pastel tones and low to medium saturation."
According to CIBJO, the World Jewelry Association, only untreated and heat-treated Padparadscha sapphires are allowed to bear the prestigious title of "Padparadscha."
The ideal Padparadscha color is a combination of lotus blossom and tropical sunset. However, experts do not always agree on how to define the color. A survey of Sri Lanka's most experienced gem dealers attempted to determine the color, with most respondents calling the color spectrum of the Padparadscha stone a "deep and vibrant" blend of pink and orange.
Result of the survey of experienced Singalese gemstone dealers
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Clarity is one of the most important factors in determining and evaluating Padparadscha sapphires, as their bright hues reveal any imperfections. Even the smallest opacities or inclusions stand out in the soft color.
However, due to the rarity of the gemstone, one is tolerant of inclusions as color is the deciding factor. Small visible inclusions are acceptable, but if a multitude of small or large dark inclusions significantly affects the overall impression, this will have an impact on its value. Eye-clean padparadscha sapphires are very few and these have a significantly higher value with comparable color and intensity.
Due to the rarity of the color, there are very few rough stones that are mined from the existing mine deposits. The rough stone dictates to the cutter how it will be cut, due to the color distribution in the stone, the primary goal is to maintain the color and its color intensity through the cut and to reduce the natural inclusions as much as possible due to their location.
However, care is taken with this rarity to have as little rough stone loss or carat weight loss as possible, therefore this often results in fascinating asymmetrical shapes. Many Padparadscha crystals are flat and when cut they often lack brilliance in the center of the stone. Similar to clarity, people are more tolerant of the cut and appreciate the rarity of the color. The perfect padparadscha, of course, has full brilliance and symmetrical shaping, but this is always a matter of budget that very few people can afford.
The Padparadscha, like all sapphires, is a corundum. Corundum is a mineral that has a high Mohs hardness. In mineralogy, the hardness of minerals is rated on a ten-point scale according to Carl Friedrich Christian Mohs. Diamond is the hardest mineral in the world with a Mohs hardness of 10, followed by corundum with a hardness of 9. This makes the Padparadscha sapphire very robust against environmental influences.
Like rubies and sapphires of other colors, padparadscha sapphires are often heated. This is a common and marketable improvement in purity and color intensification that is not required to be labeled. Usually, heated padparadschas are not fired in kilns with very high temperatures, but heated with a lower temperature, and according to practical experience the color does not change so much, it is mostly a purity optimization.
Natural, untreated Padparadscha sapphires, which are not heated ("no heat") are again significantly rarer and more valuable, especially in an intense color combination of pink-orange. If you plan to invest in one of the rarest gemstones and have a high budget, you should ideally look for a non-heated Padparadscha and be lucky to get a fine one, the significant increase in value is certain.
However, there are unfortunately many "treated" Padparadscha sapphires on the market that have their color changed by adding beryllium during the firing process (diffusion treatment). This method makes it possible to change the color from unattractive light pink sapphires to the more desirable padparadscha color. Gemological laboratories label these stones as "lattice diffused" and they are not called Padparadscha sapphires, even if they meet all other conditions. These beryllium-treated Padparadscha sapphires have no value among experts because the special Padparadscha color has been artificially created and the natural color has been significantly altered.
Does the unstable color of Padparadscha sapphire jeopardize its designation? In order to receive the Padparadscha designation, the stone must have a harmonious pink-orange color, but that alone is no longer enough for a certain gem laboratory. Now the test of color stability must also be performed and taken into account. This quibble can sometimes lead to disagreements between labs and gem experts.
There are no regulations on how to analyze a gemstone. Each laboratory is free to determine its own gemstone analysis procedure. For example, the SSEF (Swiss Gemological Institute) uses the fading test to measure the stability of a stone's color. If the fading test reveals a color outside the color range, the stone is not eligible for padparadscha status. To date, most laboratories do not perform this fading test. This discussion is currently underway and will continue in order to provide clarity and harmonized matching here.
Padparadscha Sapphire stone held in daylight
The name Padparadscha is a trade name and does not refer to a mineralogical species. The color is due to the coloring elements inside the gemstone. "Padparadscha color" refers to a subtle but unstable pink-orange color. Pink comes from chrome and yellow from iron. In addition, there is a colored hole core (a defect in the atomic structure of the stone). This last element is probably responsible for the color instability of Padparadscha.
In addition, Padparadscha does not always react the same way depending on the environment. The yellow color becomes more intense when the stone is exposed to strong sunlight. After some time, the stone returns to its original color. When the stone is exposed to halogen light, the reaction reverses and the yellow color fades.
Is it fair to judge the color of a stone by its reaction under artificial light? Shouldn't we go by the color we can see under natural light?
Definition of a colored hole center from SSEF: A colored center is a defect in the crystal structure that absorbs light. A colored hole center occurs when the electron is displaced from its original orbit by irradiation, creating a gap in the crystal structure. The displacement of this electron changes the original color of the gemstone.
For many years, Sri Lanka was considered the only true country of origin for Padparadscha sapphires. In recent years, however, stones have been found in Madagascar, Vietnam, and Tanzania whose saturation and color have been deemed worthy of the name Padparajah sapphire. Nevertheless, Sri Lanka remains the country of origin of the finest Padparadscha sapphires, the fantastic color diversity of the local flora is reflected in magnificent sapphires unearthed mainly in the regions of Ratnapura, Elahera and Kataragama in the south.
Some experts insist that genuine padparadschas can only come from Sri Lanka, which for centuries was the only source of this coveted stone. The prevailing opinion in the market is that the finest stones actually come from Sri Lanka, but Madagascar now produces a majority of the stones available in the market, which are also beautiful. The stones from Madagascar are usually more "pink" than "orange" and are a very nice and welcome addition to the Padparadscha offerings.
Because sapphires are so unusual in the hues of the lotus flower, prices for natural sapphire stones reach astronomical heights, especially when they excel in color, purity, and size. Padparadscha sapphires are much rarer in occurrence than rubies or emeralds. This extremely rare blend of orange and pink is undoubtedly the rarest color in sapphires. The demand is so great and continues to grow that prices will surely continue to rise each year.
Padparadscha sapphires between 1 and 2 carats in fine quality have at least a price per carat of $5,000 to $10,000+, over 3 carats $15,000 to $20,000+, over 5 carats $25,000 to $50,000+ and over 10 carats there are not enough reference stones ever found for a reliable price indication.
It has to be said that from the point of view of gemstone producers and dealers sizes up to 3 carats can be offered in fine quality on the market. The customers have to be patient until the right Padparadscha is found and the price plays a subordinate role because it is such a rare natural product that you can afford it for a lot of money but you have to be lucky to get one and very rich customers are willing to pay a much higher price if they know about the rarity and the value development.
Finest Padparadscha Sapphire from Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
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The origin also plays a role in the pricing. Padparadscha is the rarest type of sapphire. Its localities are very limited and the experts believe that the "real" stones come only from Sri Lanka. For those from Sri Lanka, one pays 20 to 30% more than for those from Madagascar or other countries of origin. This is also due to the rarity, besides the quality, as well as the history of this particular colored gemstone.
Due to its rarity, a Padparadscha sapphire is not only a coveted mineral in collections and as an investment, but also important for high-priced jewelry. Primarily the color is decisive for a value, but also purity and brilliance play a role in the value assessment.
A generally valid answer to the question "How much does a Padparadscha sapphire cost?" is unfortunately not possible. As with other gemstones, the price is based on certain criteria: Purity, quality of color and cut, and carat weight. Specimens with natural and even color distribution in intense pink-orange and high purity, i.e. without major inclusions, fetch the highest prices. Sometimes Padparadscha sapphires cost many times more than blue sapphires of the same carat count and cut, so a price of $30,000 to 50,000+ euros per carat is not uncommon for high-quality Padparadscha sapphire, making it one of the most expensive gemstones in the world.
Jewelry with Padparadscha is beautiful - whether in a ring, necklace, earrings, or pendant, the gemstone enchants! Most often, a rare Padparadscha sapphire is processed as a ring to emphasize the specialty of the gemstone, very popular is also a "halo" design in this special setting, the Padparadscha sapphire is surrounded by a ring of smaller diamonds. The name "halo", which is used to describe bright rings of light around planets, is very appropriate for this piece of jewelry, after all, the small diamonds also form a light-flooded ring around the center gemstone and highlight it in a very special way. A popular example of a halo ring with blue sapphire is the engagement ring of Kate Middleton, which previously belonged to Princess Diana.
Particularly large Padparadscha sapphires or several small ones are also made into necklaces or pendants, usually with diamonds. Earrings with Padparadscha sapphires are very rare to find, as it is incomparably more difficult to find a matching pair of Padparadscha sapphires, as slight nuances in the coloring make a visible difference. Most of the time you get a Padparadscha sapphire pair from only one rough stone, so you get the same and a harmonizing color combination. Cutting a perfect pair of Padparadscha sapphires from two different rough stones is very difficult because there are usually slight color differences. But it is possible because with this rarity you have to be a little more tolerant about a perfect matching pair of earrings, it just has to be color-coordinated.
On January 22, 2018, the British Royal Family announced the engagement of Princess Eugenie in Buckingham. After seven years of relationship, her longtime boyfriend Jack Brooksbank proposed in front of a volcano in Nicaragua, where they were vacationing. The Padparadscha sapphire is about 11 x 9 mm, which is about 3 to 4 carats. It is surrounded by 10 brilliant cut diamonds and 2 pear-shaped diamonds that give the classic sapphire ring design a unique look.
Some experts suggest a wholesale price of this padparadscha sapphire of at least $55,000, and estimates put the ring's retail value at over $140,000. So it's safe to say that Brooksbank spared no expense for his beautiful fiancée. Eugenie and Brooksbank were married in Windsor in the fall of 2018, the same year as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding as the "Wedding of the Year." Many believe that Eugenie's wedding will be overshadowed by the prince's wedding, but her engagement ring proves otherwise.
At Christie's June 7, 2005 auction in New York, a magnificent Padparadscha sapphire weighing 20.84 carats fetched $374,400 ($18,000 per carat). The sapphire is set in a ring by Henry Dunay. Unfortunately, it is also evidence of the difficulties in defining padparadscha. It included a 2005 report from one of the LMHC labs and I remain wondering if it is still classified that way today. If so, since today's price will be many times higher.
This charming and unmissable piece of jewelry from the Chanel workshop and from the Café Society 2014 collection is decorated with padparadscha sapphires, pink sapphires and brilliant cut diamonds. The abstract design is reminiscent of a camellia flower.
This classic piece by the famous jeweler is composed of several rows of natural pearls that open up to a floral element decorated with diamonds, with cascades of round and teardrop-shaped diamonds. The necklace is dominated by a 4.53 carat padparadscha sapphire, a 3.83 carat oval orange sapphire, and a cushion-shaped yellow sapphire.
The natural Padparadscha Sapphire is undoubtedly one of the rarest and most precious gemstones. Its importance lies not only in its rarity and breathtaking beauty, but also in the powerful healing properties it has on the person who wears it.
It is said that wearing a Padparadscha gemstone gives the wearer qualities such as consistency and sincerity. As a result, it helps the wearer achieve their professional goals and gain appreciation and recognition in the workplace.
Many astrologers consider the Padparadscha Sapphire to be a powerful tool for meditation and spiritual activities. It stimulates the third eye chakra and helps the person to be more decisive. People who work as judges or religious preachers can wear this charismatic gemstone to strengthen their aura, decision-making skills, and spiritual connection.
Since ancient times, the natural Padparadscha sapphire has been considered a symbol of wisdom and honest leadership. Businesswomen and entrepreneurs can wear this beautiful gemstone to succeed in their careers without compromising their integrity.
In alternative healing therapies, Padparadscha sapphire is considered a natural remedy for curing immune disorders, urinary problems, and mental disorders. Padparadscha gemstone is also recognized as an effective antidepressant that helps people to get out of weakened circumstances.
The LMHC classifies Padparadscha Sapphires as follows:
"Padparadscha sapphire is a corundum variety of any geographic origin whose color is a fine mixture of pinkish orange to orange-pink with pastel tones and low to medium saturation in normal daylight."
The LMHC (The Laboratory Manual Harmonization Committee) is composed of representatives of the 7 leading gemological laboratories in Europe, the USA, and Asia (*), who have harmonized on equal standards in gemstone evaluation.
The designation "padparadscha sapphire" may not be used in the following cases:
Any corundum that falls within the above definition shall be described (identified) as follows:
Natural, untreated Padparadscha from Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
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A gemstone certificate is important when buying a Padparadscha sapphire.
In the past, many yellowish-orange and reddish-orange sapphires were classified as Padparadscha sapphires. In Asia today, the brand range of Padparadscha sapphires is still much broader than in our country. Many renowned gemological laboratories in the present agree that only stones that fall within a narrow and well-defined spectrum of pinkish-orange ("pinkish-orange") to orange-pink ("orangy-pink") colors with low to medium saturation still have the right to bear this noble designation.
The world's leading laboratories have harmonized on a color range for the designation "padparadscha". As soon as instead of "pink" a "violet" or instead of an "orange" a "yellow" or any form of "brown" is visually visible, the sapphire is no longer called Padparadscha.
Unfortunately, at trade shows and in the windows of jewelers, one often sees sapphires that are labeled as "padparadscha", but either with very low color intensity corresponding to a "peach" or "pale orange" hue or with more intense color saturations correspond to a pure orange sapphire or an orange-red or red sapphire. An internationally renowned gemstone report or gemstone report (certificate) is recommended for a special Padparadscha with high rarity and high value in any case.
A common problem faced by customers and gem dealers is when two labs disagree on a gemstone. Such differences have been evident between GIA and GRS regarding Padparadscha sapphire in the past. GRS has taken a slight departure from the "LMHC standard" of Padparadscha. The LMHC defines Padparadscha as "a corundum variety of any geographic origin whose color is a subtle blend of pinkish orange to orangey pink with pastel tones and low to medium saturation when viewed in normal daylight.
Within the GRS catalog titled "GRS - Pioneering Global Industry Standards," published in 2017, the GRS laboratory decided to further classify certain padparadschas as having high color saturation. According to the LMHC definition, highly saturated sapphires would not conform to the color palette of padparadscha. This difference causes GRS to deviate from GIA and other leading labs such as Gübelin, SSEF, DSEF, etc. If GRS uses "sunset" at a high saturation, GIA may classify it as an orange sapphire, or if GRS uses "sunrise" at a high saturation, it may classify it as a pink sapphire.
Nomenclature makes a difference in tuned highly saturated sapphires in the Padparadscha hue, and it should be noted for someone seeking the official Padparadscha seal of approval. Each person's eyes have a unique way of perceiving subtle color variations. Lighting and color cones can allow two people to agree on the main hue, but not the secondary color. The secondary color is a color modifier that masks pink or orange.
Under these circumstances, determining specific padparadscha color variations is a challenging task. Despite these nuances, in the market, either GRS or GIA or other leading laboratories belonging to the harmonized LMHC is used and trusted for Padparadscha sapphires.
Through our direct mine access in Sri Lanka, we have access to the finest Padparadscha sapphires. However, they are so rare that we do not find new Padparadscha sapphires of the finest quality every week or month. We stand for a reliable classification of the "Padparadscha", a close definition agreed upon with the internationally leading laboratories, so that we are sure to call a genuine "Padparadscha" as such and of course have the corresponding laboratory certificates issued. We are characterized by the fact that we stand for "fair" sapphires through our mining cooperation in Sri Lanka and thus also offer Padparadscha sapphires from sustainable and environmentally conscious mining in our portfolio.
As a wholesaler, we regularly supply our goldsmith and jeweler partners with Padparadscha sapphires. However, it is important to know that due to the rarity and the respective customer preference, a desired Padparadscha in the corresponding color combination, size, shape, cut and clarity is not available manifold. It is just one of the rarest gemstones in the world!
If you have any questions about Padparadscha sapphires, please feel free to contact us, we are keen to clarify because we have expert knowledge and it often hurts us very much when we see what colors are offered on the market as Padparadscha. All Padparadscha sapphires that are diffusion treated we reject completely, this has nothing to do with "nature" when you see the actual color of the former rough stone and for this reason, all treated Padparadscha sapphires that go beyond the usual heat treatment on the market have a value of zero for us, no matter how big or how beautiful.
Rarity has its price, for this reason, the Padparadscha Sapphire is also a connoisseur's stone, for someone who appreciates the rarity and has acquired some knowledge about it. You just have to see this gem live and you will fall in love with it, simply a wonder of nature!
SSEF - Padparadscha-Like Fancy Sapphires with Unstable Colors: Coloration Mechanisms and Disclosure. - Link
Gübelin Padparadscha Saphir - Link
GIA Padparadscha Saphir - Link
(*) The Laboratory Manual Harmonization Committee (LMHC) is composed of representatives from the following gemological laboratories in Europe, the USA and Asia (listed here in alphabetical order):
The term "Padparadscha" is derived from the Sinhalese word for a lotus flower that has an unusual salmon color. A color combination of pink-orange or orange-pink.
Padparadscha sapphires are usually found in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). Sri Lanka has a long tradition for Padparadscha sapphires and has also given a name to this rarest sapphire. Nowadays, these gems are also discovered in Tanzania and Madagascar, among other places. Worldwide, gem experts are of the opinion that Sri Lanka has the finest finds to date.
Padparadscha sapphire is a special variety of corundum (sapphire and ruby) characterized by a delicate color, a mixture of pink and orange - a blend of ruby and yellow sapphire. Typical blue sapphires get their color from titanium and iron to the mineral corundum, while padparadscha sapphires exhibit the trace elements of chromium and iron.
At present, the Padparadscha sapphire is defined as a Sri Lankan sapphire of a soft pinkish-orange color by expert gemologists. Padparadscha sapphire is a rare but striking version of a sapphire that is pink and orange in color.
No, a pink sapphire is either pink, purple, or a mixture of both. A padparadscha sapphire is a color combination of pink/pink and orange, both of which want to be represented in the gemstone. A color blend of pink-orange, so to speak.
A Padparadscha sapphire is one of the rarest gemstones in the world and in its color combination of pink-orange, the rarest sapphire hue. This makes Padparadscha highly sought after by experts and collectors and it is one of the most precious gemstones.
A Padparadscha sapphire is very precious, according to its size and purity as well as its color intensity. A fine quality carat can cost several thousand dollars and for Padparadscha sapphires over 3 carats, the carat can cost well over ten thousand dollars. There are no value limits for Padparadscha sapphires, it remains one of the rarest gemstones in the world with utmost popularity and appreciation among experts.
To guarantee authenticity it is always recommended in addition to a reputable supplier to ask for a laboratory report and a gem certificate when buying the stone to exclude syntheses and treated stones. The Padparadscha sapphire is pink to orange in color. Because of their bright and luminous color, purity is of great importance in Padparadscha sapphires, high quality gemstones can be recognized by having no or very small inclusions to the naked eye.
The cut depends on the rough stone. If a rough stone has the characteristics of a padparadscha, the cutter will try to emphasize these characteristics through the cut. Most commonly, padparajas are found with round, oval, or cushion cuts.
The orange-pink sapphires are for those who have all these three planets Jupiter, Mars, and Sun as yogakaraka and placed also in their birth chart. So, this means that orange-pink sapphires can be worn by those born under the zodiac signs of Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Padparadscha is a gentle stone with tremendous energy that is said to have many positive qualities. It is a stone that represents joy, vitality and foresight. It can help the wearer to bring about enormous changes and thus come closer to his life goals.
Simply with warm soapy water and a brush. This is the safest and easiest way to clean padparadscha sapphire jewelry.
Wash the sapphire in warm soapy water and wipe it with a gemstone cleaning cloth. If it is set in jewelry, use a soft brush to clean the setting. It is important to clean the pavilion of the stone to maintain its high brilliance. You do not need to use chemicals to clean your stone. Because of its hardness, sapphire can tolerate polishing in extreme cases. In most cases, cleaning with soapy water is more than sufficient.